
Approvals, Permits and Inspections

Approvals, Permits and Inspections

The search is finally over. After months of driving around and getting lost, researching, e-mailing, studying maps, talking on the phone, Googling, hiking up muddy dead-end roads, running from dogs, and drinking bad coffee with realtors, you have found the the land where you want to build. Congratulations! Pop a cork and take a breather. You’ve earned it. You're ready for the really fun part: building the cabin itself. But, just like any other worthwhile project, there are some decidedly less-fun aspects of the process of building that need to be considered and understood, especially if you are planning to build your cabin...

Some Pros and Cons of DIY

Some Pros and Cons of DIY

By doing most of the work yourself, it is reasonable to project savings of 10-15%, sometimes up to 30%, a substantial figure that can help to lighten the financial burden of the project as a whole.